What are the questions on the evaluation?

Please note that evaluation responses to questions 1-9 may be made available to students.

1. What knowledge, skills, and insights did you develop by taking this course?

2. Your level of engagement with the course was: (scale: 1=very low, 2=low, 3=medium, 4=high, 5=very high)

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this course and how could it be improved?

4. What is your overall assessment of this course?

How and when can I view course evaluations from previous terms?

Course evaluations are available to Yale College students year round through the Yale Course Search (YCS) site. To view the evaluation data you will need to authenticate into the site using your Yale NetID and password. In the “Search Courses” field, enter the course code and number or the course title, select a term option, and then click the search button. An expanded dialogue box titled “Search Results” will populate, listing the results of the search criteria.

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