While you may use many or all of these academic systems in your day-to-day work, not all systems are administered by the University Registrar’s Office. Systems with an “*” are systems owned by departments outside of the University Registrar’s Office.
Academic Systems Refresh Rates
The systems managed by the University Registrar’s Office and associated offices refresh with updated information at different times. Below is a chart listing the refresh rates.
Document and file management for the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- AppX
- Navigation Instructions
- AppX assistance: registrar.gsas@yale.edu
Learning Management System for Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Canvas
- Canvas assistance canvas@yale.edu
Curricular management for Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- CAT: YCPS program descriptions and course lists
- CAT: Graduate Bulletin program description and course list
- Approval page: Graduate Bulletin, YCPS pages, courses awaiting approval
- CIM: Course Inventory Management: new course proposal, course edit and course workflow
- WEN: course offerings and scheduling and classroom if applicable
- CourseLeaf resources
- CourseLeaf assistance: courseleaf@yale.edu
- Yale Course Search (YCS): search course offerings
- Yale College Course Proposal Workflow Chart
Course Registration Resource
The Registration website provides information and job aids for staff, faculty, and students.
Classroom Requests (25Live)
Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Classroom resources
- Classroom information
- Classroom assistance: classrooms@yale.edu
Degree Audit
Student progress toward degree requirements for Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Degree Audit
- Basic Features of the Degree Audit
- Degree Audit assistance: registrar@yale.edu
Dissertation Progress Reporting and Submission (DPRS)
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Dissertation Progress Reporting and Submission (DPRS)
- Dissertation Submission information for students
- DPRS assistance: registrar.gsas@yale.edu
Faculty Class Rosters/Grade Submission (FGS)
Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Faculty Class Rosters/Grade Submission (FGS)
- FGS assistance: registrar@yale.edu
Faculty/Student Advising (FSA)
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Faculty Student Advising (FSA)
- FSA assistance: claudia.schiavone@yale.edu
Forms and Petitions
Access to forms to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, Yale College and Graduate School
Jaspersoft Reporting*
Access commonly used reports and data for Yale College and the Graduate School
Notification of Readers (NOR)
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Notification of Readers (NOR)
- NOR assistance: dissertationreaders@yale.edu
Online Course Evaluations (OCE)
Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- OCE Chair Viewer
- OCE Faculty Dashboard
- Dashboard and Tac Report User Guide
- OCE assistance: evaluate@yale.edu
Preference Selection
Yale College pre-registration
- Preference Selection
- Preference Selection assistance: registrar.asc@yale.edu
- Directors of Undergraduate Studies Handbook
- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Programs and Policies
- Handbook for Instructors of Undergraduates in Yale College
- Registrar’s Office Handbook for Departmental Academic Administrative Support
- Yale College Programs of Study
- Yale College Undergraduate Regulations
Admissions for Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- Slate
- Slate assistance: graduateschool.admissions@yale.edu
Student Profile Advising System
Yale College advisers
- Student Profile Advising System
- Navigating the Student Profile
- Student Profile assistance: registrar@yale.edu
Teaching Fellows System (TFS)*
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences