Gender Policy and Use

Gender Identification

Yale University supports the right of students to change how their gender is identified in University records. Any student may designate their gender identity in the Yale Hub and it may be different from their legal sex.

How to Change Your Gender

To change your gender, log into the Yale Hub, click on the “Personal Data” menu, and select “My Gender.” The first time you view your gender, the record will display the gender you entered on your admissions application or it will be blank. You may update your gender by selecting any of the three available codes; M, W, or N. An optional open text field is available if you wish to add information. This field may be left blank. You may return to the My Gender page at any time to update or change your gender information.

Use of Gender Information

Access to gender identity information in the University’s student records will be limited to individuals that have a legitimate business or educational need for this information. All requests for access to gender identity information must be approved by the University Registrar.

Use of Legal Sex

For Federal reporting purposes, the University is required to maintain information about students’ legal sex. This information is obtained from admissions records and is used only as required.


Students may designate pronouns they wish to use by entering this information in their NameCoach profile located in Yale Hub. Providing pronoun information is an optional feature and entirely voluntary. Students may add, edit, or remove their pronouns at any time.

In addition to displaying pronouns they prefer to use, NameCoach gives students the ability to record their name as they want it spoken and provides the option to add a phonetic spelling of their name.