Diploma FAQs
The official Latin diplomas for degrees conferred at May Commencement are distributed at a separate ceremony in each residential college and professional school. Diplomas for the Graduate School are presented in Woolsey Hall and Horchow Hall.
Diploma Mailing Request
Students who do not expect to attend Commencement and would like to have their diploma mailed must complete and submit the Diploma Order Form.
May 2023 diplomas will be mailed after July 1, 2023.
Law degrees conferred in June 2023 will be mailed after July 1, 2023.
Diploma Conferred Mid-year
Mid-year diplomas will be mailed six weeks after the degree has been conferred. To receive diplomas, graduates must have paid all debts to the University in full.
If a diploma mailing address is not provided in advance, the diploma will remain at the University Registrar’s Office. Please complete and submit the Diploma Order Form to request mailing of your diploma.
Students who qualify for degrees in December from the Graduate School may request their diploma now and still attend Commencement. Please refer to the Diploma Order Form to submit a request for your diploma. December diplomas will be available in early February.
The diploma is printed with the degree conferred and any honors/distinctions received. The major is printed on the diploma only when there has been an award of Distinction in the Major.
Diploma Dimensions: 12.5 x 10.375
Diploma frames are available at The Yale Bookstore
Additional information on the status of your account is available by contacting Student Financial and Administrative Services.
Student Financial Services Center
246 Church Street
1st Floor
New Haven, CT 06510
Mon–Fri, 8:30–4:30
Tel: 203-432-2700
Exit interview hold. This hold is a requirement of the Department of Education for all students who had/have a federal loan. Please go to www.uasconnect.com to create your user account and enable access to your loan information.
How to Create a User ID:
Go to www.uasconnect.com click on “Sign Up” and then:
- Select a username and password
- Enter the following information
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- UAS Loan ID (Enter new YPP account)
- Date of Birth (Enter the Contract Holder DOB)
- Zip/Postal Code
- Click on the box to accept the privacy policy and customer agreement
- Click on the “Sign Up” icon at the bottom to create your account
When you receive confirmation that all Holds have been released, forward the hold release to diplomas@yale.edu and refer to the Diploma Order Form to submit a request for your diploma. Please allow 24 to 48 hrs for the release to be processed.
The complete English translation is available on the Diplomas Website.
Yale University now offers Certified Electronic Diplomas and Certificates (CeDiploma/CeCertificate) to graduates. The electronic diploma includes a validation link that provides relevant degree information in English.
An official transcript is available online through Parchment, the University’s vendor. Current students and alumni with a Yale NetID will order by signing in through the Yale Hub, clicking on “Academic Information,” and selecting “Transcript Orders.” Alumni and former students unable to sign in to Yale Hub will order directly through the Parchment website.