Yale University now offers Certified Electronic Diplomas and Certificates (CeDiploma/CeCertificate) to graduates. The electronic diploma includes a validation link that provides degree information in English.
Employers, medical boards and most countries are accepting the CeDiploma because of its verifiable security and the relevant degree information provided in English. The CeDiploma satisfies all requirements for diploma verification and may be submitted as part of the apostille.
Each CeDiploma and/or CeCertificate can be independently validated by future employers, State Government Licensing Agencies and any other entity that wishes to validate your achievement.
The document is digitally signed and encrypted, providing greater trust and acceptance.
For security reasons, the electronic credential cannot be printed.
The President and Fellows of Yale University in New Haven in the State of Connecticut send solemn greetings to all to whom this document shall come. We, the President and Fellows of this University, admit ____________________ a candidate for ________ academic honors, to the degree of _____________ and we confer upon him/her all rights, privileges and insignia pertaining to the honor. In testimony of that fact the seal of the University has been impressed upon this document and we, the President and the Secretary, have signed it on the ____ day of ______ in the year of Our Lord ______ and of Yale University the ______.